Who are you?

My name is Fred Benenson and I’m a technologist, artist, activist, and writer. The idea of Cultivate was spawned by many conversations with friends (some of whom are currently advising this project, hence the “we”), about how I might lend my efforts to the 2020 election.

Supporting network neutrality has always been a passion of mine and the stakes have never felt higher.

Why are you doing this?

Put simply: we need net neutrality legislation that surpasses the FCC rulemaking process. This means robust policy that Congress enacts – rules that can’t be rolled back by political appointees of whoever ends up in the Whitehouse.

Who is funding you?

Cultivate is currently self funded. If you’d like to support similar efforts, please consider donating to Fight for the Future.

I got an email about this, how did you get my address?

You likely submitted a comment to the FCC about why you support network neutrality during the last couple of years. If you didn’t, or have no idea what this is about, please accept our apologies – sometimes wires get crossed and good people end up on the wrong email lists.

Can I unsubscribe?

Yes, please do so here. We have no desire to bother you if you’re not interested in supporting net neutrality.